It’s not true. The council wants to be able to sell everything but alternatives have not been explored.
- Christchurch City Council can keep its assets AND reduce its horrendous rate increases
- The mayor is trying to tell us there are no alternatives but there are always alternatives – reduce, delay and defer expenditure
- Our assets are of huge value to Christchurch
We want to get a leaflet into every home in Christchurch and we want to take out a full page ad in the Press.
Please make a donation urgently to –
Keep Our Assets - Canterbury (KOA)
38 9016 0715351 00
If you wish your donation to go towards the Press advertisement put “Press” in the details for your donation.
We’ve seen it all before – privatisation cost us billions as taxpayers – now it’s come to our backyard as ratepayers – we have to say NO!
Keep our Assets Canterbury
PO BOX 2258, Christchurch